
wetbench_42 - Idénergie renouvelable II

Croyez-vous que les salles de gym pourraient s'auto-suffire en récupérant l'énergie générée par toutes leurs machines?

Dommage que le sommet de Copenhague se soit terminé en échec. Par contre, cela ne nous empêche pas de faire un geste personnel pour l'environnement, même si le voisin ne veut pas faire d'effort. Quoi qu'il en soit, passez de joyeuses fêtes!

A: What's all this?
C: I plugged my Television to a generator powered by this stationary bicycle. Now, when I want to watch TV, I have to pedal. No more couch potato-ing! This way, I'm saving on electricity, helping out the environment and I'll get some exercise after all the holiday meals!

Do you think that gyms could be energetically self-sufficient from all the electricity that could be generated from their exercising machines?

Too bad that our leaders could not come to a sensible agreement in Copenhagen earlier this month. But that does not mean that we can't do a personal effort for the environment, even if the neighbour doesn't.

In any case, season's greetings! Go easy on the turkey!

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